Natural Healing: Garlic Lemonade Recipe by Rachel Fox-Tierney, LM, CPM

Although the sun was out today and the flowers are starting to bloom, we are only halfway through cold and flu season, so this seemed like a perfect time to share this favorite recipe for Garlic Lemonade.  (Actually, I had intended to publish this in the fall, but since I had bronchitis during the holiday season, I was busy making many batches of this recipe for myself and focusing on recovering rather than writing!)

First, I'll say this IS my favorite remedy for nearly everything...with food poisoning and intestinal distress being the the notable exceptions for obvious reasons.  Garlic is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.  So all of your bases are covered when your little (and big ones) start a new school year and suddenly spend the first 3 months with a new ailment every other week!  When my oldest was little, we had many tears while I  "strongly encouraged" him to eat raw garlic on a spoonful of honey.  He was usually a good sport but fortunately I found a version of this recipe in a book by Aviva Romm, MD and Midwife  by the time he was in kindergarten.

I have used Garlic Lemonade with all the many typical childhood ailments throughout the years...colds, flu, coughs, ear infections, chickenpox and sore throats (including strep once), often in conjunction with other herbal medicines, but sometimes alone.  My boys have had it so often and recognize that it is my universal remedy for everything that once my younger son was playing a quiz game and was asked, "How do you cure homesickness?"  He said, "Garlic Lemonade" without hesitation and clearly without knowing what "homesickness"meant!

Professionally, I often recommend this recipe to my midwifery clients.  It is safe during pregnancy, although some women find it unappealing if they are overly nauseous.   I recommend it during all their colds, flu, and sinus infections, but also any time they have breast or vaginal infections.  Usually it is received with skepticism, but afterward I frequently hear, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!"  Every year, I get asked for the recipe from  former clients at least a dozen times who remember drinking it during pregnancy for various ailments.

In addition, Garlic Lemonade can be taken with conventional treatments such as antibiotics, OTC medicines, or herbal or holistic medicines, with rare exception.  As always, ask your midwife, primary care provider or children's pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.  Enjoy and feel better soon!


Garlic Lemonade Recipe